eaUtils - Sparx Enterprise Architect add-in

Utilities for your EA models: sort elements, generate alias, diagram breadcrumb navigation...

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Model locking control: help section (eaUtils v1)

Model locking control: help section (eaUtils v1)

Most eaUtils features need to update a package, element or diagram. Prior to carry any update, eaUtils checks if there is any lock.

  • Version Control locks: eaUtils looks up for any Version Control lock on a parent package e.g. stored in a Subversion repository.
  • EA User Security locks: eaUtils also checks if the EA Security is enabled, in which case it looks for any existing lock.


Prior to update the model, eaUtils looks for any lock that would prevent changes to be committed.

When a version control repository such as SVN or TFS is configured with the EA project, eaUtils checks that the package branch is not in a read-only mode for the current user. This is achieved by controlling that the package branch is either checked out to the current user or not under version control.

Prior to update the model, eaUtils looks for any lock that would prevent changes to be committed.

When the EA user security is enabled on the project, eaUtils checks the locking status set against the element or package to be modified.