eaUtils - Sparx Enterprise Architect add-in

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SysML helpers: help section

SysML helpers: help section

Current: eaUtils 2.0 Open eaUtils 1.0

eaUtils provides a feature dedicated to the systems engineering SysML modelling language: 

  • Synchronize SysML parts stereotype in Internal Block Diagrams according to the associated SysML blocks stereotype.

eaUtils SysML features can be disabled via eaUtils general settings.

A training on SysML with Sparx Enterprise Architect tool is available in France: please click on this link for further information in french.


formation sysml sparxsystems enterprise architect

eaUtils SysML stereotype mapping and synchronization on SysML parts according to their blocks is relevant when using SysML stereotypes defined in a custom MDG technology.

It is common practice to define and use specific stereotypes on SysML blocks e.g. to differentiate hardware from software blocks. The stereotype mechanism can also be used to assign default colours or add specific properties (tagged values).

The diagram below illustrates the Hardware and Software SysML blocks and parts used in this example.

sysml blocks stereotype example sparx enterprise architect eautils addin

When using parts within an ibd (SysML internal block diagram), they aren't stereotyped. Assigning the right stereotype can be time consuming; eaUtils SysML Synchronize parts stereotypes is intended to deal with this issue.

eaUtils clear SysML parts stereotypes feature has been defined to undo the changes carried in eaUtils SysML Synchronize Parts Stereotypes feature.