eaUtils Help
This category contains help on eaUtils v2 addin for Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.
- Installation
- Settings
- Controls on existing model locks
- Elements and diagrams sorting
- Generating element aliases
- Diagram breadcrumb trail
- Find in all diagrams
- SysML helper: stereotype synchronization
- Image Asset support
- Update EA notes
- Manage Visible Relations
- eaUtils MDG Custom Model Searches
- Compare Diagrams
- Keyboard shortcuts
- eaUtils popup windows offer a direct link to the feature help page by clicking on the question mark "?".
- If you use the previous version, click here to access eaUtils v1 help
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eaUtils installation: help section
The installation process for eaUtils add-in is described in this section.
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Model locking control: help section
Most eaUtils features need to update a package, element or diagram. Prior to carry any update, eaUtils checks if there is any lock.
- Version Control locks: eaUtils looks up for any Version Control lock on a parent package e.g. stored in a Subversion repository.
- EA User Security locks: eaUtils also checks if the EA Security is enabled, in which case it looks for any existing lock.
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Sorting elements or diagrams: help section
eaUtils sorting features act on the elements or diagrams within a package, and/or within an element of the active project. Enterprise Architect applies a default alphabetical sorting order based on the type and name of the elements. To achieve a better management and more efficient use of the EA project content in the project browser, there is sometimes a need to define a custom sorting order.
Extended eaUtils sorting features and settings provide alternatives to sort elements by choosing the value field (e.g. alias, stereotype, tagged value), an integer value which may be surrounded by a prefix and/or suffix (e.g. REQ-1-PERF), having case sensitivity enabled, etc.
eaUtils sorting features include:
- Sort elements from a selected package or element by Alias
- Sort elements from a selected package or element by Tagged Value
- Sort elements from a selected package or element by Stereotype
- Sort elements from a selected package or element by Name
- Sort elements from a selected package or element by creation order (object id)
- Revert, apply the default sorting order
- Sort a package elements by the order displayed from top to bottom, or from left to right, on the active diagram
- Sort elements or diagrams within a Package Tree
- Sort diagrams by modified or created date and time
Important - this feature can modify the elements or diagrams "Tree Position" hidden field value.
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Generate elements alias values: help section
eaUtils provides a feature that generates the alias on a set of elements based on their position in the active diagram from top to bottom, or from left to right.
eaUtils also provides a feature that clears the alias from all package elements displayed in the active diagram to easily revert the initial state.
This feature runs from an opened diagram.
Important - this feature can modify elements Alias field.
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Diagram Breadcrumb Trail: help section
eaUtils Breadcrumb Trail navigation feature generates hyperlinks on a diagram to navigate back to linking diagrams. A linking diagram has at least one element that opens the current diagram i.e. a composite element (business process, activity, use case, class, SysML block...), hyperlink, package, or navigation cell.
This feature runs from the active diagram.
Important - this feature can create hyperlinks objects on the diagram.
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Find in All Diagrams: help section
eaUtils Find in All Diagrams is an enhanced version of Enterprise Architect's matching feature i.e. it displays the list of diagrams that use the selected element with additional information:
- Modified and created date and time
- Author
- Locked status
- Parent package name
- Selected diagram full path
- Connectors and Image Asset support
- Element or connector details (type, stereotype, guid)
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SysML helpers: help section
eaUtils provides a feature dedicated to the systems engineering SysML modelling language:
- Synchronize SysML parts stereotype in Internal Block Diagrams according to the associated SysML blocks stereotype.
eaUtils SysML features can be disabled via eaUtils general settings.
A training on SysML with Sparx Enterprise Architect tool is available in France: please click on this link for further information in french.
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Image Asset support: help section
eaUtils supports image asset elements, available since Enterprise Architect version 13, with the following:
- Create a boundary element from an Image Asset.
- Select the Image Asset in the Browser from a boundary.
- Image asset support in eaUtils Find in All Diagrams.
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Manage Visible Relations: help section
Set Visible Relations is a useful diagram feature in Enterprise Architect to set/unset visible links. When a diagram contains many relations of different type and/or stereotype, it can take some time to achieve the expected result.
eaUtils provides an enhanced version of EA built-in feature by organizing the relations by type and stereotype, e.g. to hide all dependencies.
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Update EA notes: help section
Ever run a model search on your diagram notes or constraints in Enterprise Architect to find unnamed elements, making it difficult to use the search results ?
To cater for this situation, eaUtils Update Notes replicates the notes description to the name so it's visible in EA model search.
The purpose is illustrated below.
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eaUtils MDG Custom Model Searches: help section
Once eaUtils is installed on your computer, its embedded MDG Technology is available. It includes custom model searches.
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Compare Diagrams: help section
eaUtils Compare Diagrams aim is to run a comparison between two diagrams and generate results within a new view showing any difference in terms of elements and connectors.
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eaUtils keyboard shortcuts: help section
eaUtils keyboard shortcuts are useful to run a feature without having to use a menu or right click. Since Enterprise Architect doesn't yet support a reserved list of shortcuts for add-ins, eaUtils keyboard shortcuts must be enabled should any conflict with EA or another third-party add-in occurs.
All existing shortcuts used in EA (see link here) have been excluded from the list of eaUtils hotkey candidates.
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