eaUtils - Sparx Enterprise Architect add-in

Utilities for your EA models: sort elements, generate alias, diagram breadcrumb navigation...

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Section 10. Sort diagrams by date

sort model diagrams in sparx enterprise architect by date

This help article explains how to use eaUtils to sort diagrams within a package or an element according to their modified or created date/time.

This feature runs on a package or an element selected from the Project Browser.


Current: eaUtils 2.0 Open eaUtils 1.0

Example: sort by modified date (ascending)

Select the package or element where the diagrams need to be sorted > Specialize > eaUtils > [Browser] Sort diagrams.

eautils sparx enterprise architect addin sort diagrams by date

Confirm you would like to proceed by clicking OK from the following dialog window:

sparxsystems enterprise architect sort diagrams

The confirmation window below is displayed (click on Close). 

eaUtils Diagram Sorting Settings

Diagrams can be sorted by modified date/time or created date/time in the ascending or descending order:

  • Descending: from the most recent to the oldest.
  • Ascending: from the oldest to the most recent.

This can be changed in eaUtils settings, or simply by using the Edit Settings button: