eaUtils - Sparx Enterprise Architect add-in

Utilities for your EA models: sort elements, generate alias, diagram breadcrumb navigation...

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Welcome to eaUtils

Utilities addin for Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect

eaUtils is a free utilities add-in extension for Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect modelling tool. eaUtils provides features that have addressed a number of situations I've come across over the past years in my daily use of Sparx EA.

Most eaUtils features come from scripts that were initially wrote in Enterprise Architect. Some of these scripts have been shared via articles published on my blog www.umlchannel.com, and improved since in eaUtils Enterprise Architect addin. eaUtils was launched with the aim to gather all scripts in a Sparx Enterprise Enterprise Architect add-in for maintenance, installation, and diffusion purposes.

eaUtils 1.19 is available to download (help content is up to date).

eaUtils addin for Sparx Systems Enterprise Archirect


Latest version: eaUtils 1.19.10 (August 2022)

eaUtils proved to be useful with your EA modelling projects? Please share your experience in the new Testimonials section, or make a personal donation via Paypal.

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eaUtils feature list

 sorting features in addin for sparx systems enterprise architect eautils  generate elements alias feature in addin for sparx systems enterprise architect eautils diagram breadcrumb trail feature in addin for sparx systems enterprise architect eautils find in all diagrams sparx ea SysML feature for Enterprise Architect by eaUtils addin sparxsystems enterprise architect image asset support hotkey keyboard shortcut eaUtils Update NoteseaUtils Manage Visible RelationseaUtils Compare Diagrams

Full release details are available from eaUtils History page.

Custom scripts, add-in, and other EA customization services

Using Sparx Enterprise Architect tool and require specific features for your project? Contact me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for any services on implementing add-ins, automated scripts, customize Enterprise Architect with an MDG (stereotypes/UML profiles, toolbox, search), etc.

eaUtils latest releases

18/08/2022 - version 1.19.10 (release 2208-1)

  • Visible relations: additional level with the source element, options to show/hide the source & target elements package and/or alias, support freeze visible diagram property, improved the loading time
  • EA16 64 bits compatibility support: new installation files (64 bit version)

10/02/2022 - version 1.19.9 (release 2022-1)

  • MDG: removed the SysML example, added new EA searches on connectors
  • EA16: added support for the new QEAx files

02/06/2021 - version 1.19.7 (release 2106-1)

  • Find in all diagrams improvements:
    • Connectors supported (diagrams usage for a connector)
    • Classifier results improved with added parts & properties support

13/04/2021 - version 1.19.6 (release 2104-2)

06/04/2021 - version 1.19.5 (release 2104-1)

  • eaUtils MDG v0.3: search attributes or diagrams by GUID or ID
  • Postgres db related bug fixes on the Visible Relations and Add Image Asset features

12/02/2021 - version 1.19.4 (release 2102-2)

  • Manage diagram visible relations
    • Bug fix: new connectors created outside the active diagram were not available in the list
    • Enhancements: button to show the selected connector in the diagram, differentiate Aggregations from Compositions

01/02/2021 - version 1.19.3 (release 2102-1)

20/01/2021 - version 1.19.2 (release 2101-2)

  • Locks management improvement: skip diagram elements locks check for features that won't update them e.g. diagram visible relations, breadcrumb

16/01/2021 - version 1.19.1 (release 2101-1)

  • New diagram feature: diagram visible relations update (enhanced version of EA built-in feature) with Alt+V shortcut
  • Added Expand/Collapse all buttons in the Package tree sorting window

eaUtils is available to download here. It has been downloaded more than 5000 times since its release.

eaUtils online Help is available here.

For any information, please contact me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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